Blitz Jazz

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1Bilescu Lucian-Wolfgang6 1954 1:0 18523.5Duma Ioan-Gheorghe
2Chiheri Alexandru-Virgil4 1704 1:0 19214Ferenczi Sandor-Levente
3Ioan Cosmin Szanto3.5 1000 0:1 10003.5Chibelean Calin-Nicolae
4Jakab Nandor3 1800 1:0 13393Ciocan Ariana-Roxana
5Chereches Marius-Calin3 1406 0.5:0.5 12232Bira Andrada-Paraschiva
6Fugulyan Grigore3 1857 1:0 10001Csiszer Andras
7Panga Calin-Alexandru2.5 1913 1:0 BYE
F = forfeited (opponent did not come)