JP Chess Rapid Night Tournament (Category B)

Name is required and should be at least 4 characters long.

Starting list

1. Sivakumar Satchit J.P. Chess1588
2. DeMaio Alexander J.P. ChessJunior1500
3. Gianotti Dan Short J.P. Chess1471
4. Liu Wenzhe JP Chess1400
5. Chambers Patrick J.P. Chess1383
6. Martin Luke J.P. Chess1355
7. Parker Emanuel 1355
8. Collins James J.P. Chess1305
9. Nelson Cameron J.P. Chess1300
10. Allen Sara J.P. Chess1113
11. Short Gianotti Ash JP ChessJunior1000
12. Chovanec Justin 984
13. Sinha Jainesh J.P. ChessJunior700
14. P Cass JP ChessJunior500