Greenwich Backgammon Club

Name is required and should be at least 4 characters long.

Starting list

1. Daniel ? 1500
2. Evel ? 1500
3. Julia ? 1500
4. Chris ?(Sapphire) 1500
5. Chris ?(non-Sapphire) 1500
6. Umut Abbey 1500
7. City Guy 1500
8. Christian Denereaze 1500
9. David Denteh Denteh 1500
10. Tony F 1500
11. Joanna Lewins 1500
12. Jamila Maher 1500
13. Heather Page 1500
14. Julide Palalar 1500
15. Graham Ross 1500
16. Seb S 1500
17. Alex Smith 1500
18. User 358115529 (New York) 1500
19. Jane Webber 1500
20. Margot Wells 1500
21. Marcus ? 1500
22. Konrad Heeneman 1500